“Tenho que te contar que os monumentos de Milot significam muito para mim”: memórias de moradores de Milot acerca do Parc National Historique - Haiti


  • Loudmia Amicia Pierre Louis Ufma




This paper analyzes the social memory of Milot residents regarding the monuments of Palais Sans-Souci, Citadelle Laferrière and Ramiers, which constitute the Parc National Historique, a national and world heritage site in Haiti. Thus, the social relations maintained by this community with these monuments are problematized in opposition to the national memory legitimized by the State regarding them. With the theoretical help of authors who mainly address the themes of memory and heritage, and employing Oral History (OH) methodology, oppositions are observed between the national memory that recalls the monuments only in relation to the values of the Haitian Revolution and the social memory of local residents that emphasize the violences of coloniality that mark Milot. Keywords: Cultural heritage; social memory; orality; Milot-Haiti., Cultural heritage; social memory; orality; Milot-Haiti.


This paper analyzes the social memory of Milot residents regarding the monuments of Palais Sans-Souci, Citadelle Laferrière and Ramiers, which constitute the Parc National Historique, a national and world heritage site in Haiti. Thus, the social relations maintained by this community with these monuments are problematized in opposition to the national memory legitimized by the State regarding them. With the theoretical help of authors who mainly address the themes of memory and heritage, and employing Oral History (OH) methodology, oppositions are observed between the national memory that recalls the monuments only in relation to the values of the Haitian Revolution and the social memory of local residents that emphasize the violences of coloniality that mark Milot.


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How to Cite

Pierre Louis, L. A. (2024). “Tenho que te contar que os monumentos de Milot significam muito para mim”: memórias de moradores de Milot acerca do Parc National Historique - Haiti. História Oral, 27(3), 97–115. https://doi.org/10.51880/ho.v27i3.1448