Narratives and memory about the Intervalo magazine: Oral History methodology at the service of research on the history of the press


  • Talita Souza Magnolo Universidade Federal de Juiz de fora
  • Rosali Maria Nunes Henriques Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal



Oral History, Intervalo magazine, Interviews, TV, Memory


This article aims to discuss some concepts, aspects and different perceptions regarding the importance of memory preservation. It is based on the assumption that recent memory is not only reconstructed by the Oral History methodology, but also through documents, files, photos, among other
sources that are capable of storing residues and traces of the past. Our research object will be Editora Abril's magazine Intervalo (1963-1972). The experience of conducting interviews with former Intervalo employees allowed the magazine's history to be recorded and a better understanding of the historical context of the period. We will analyze, through excerpts from the testimonies collected, some aspects and communication strategies by the magazine, which was reinforced by the creation and dissemination of television programs – musical programs, quiz shows, interviews, humorous programs, musical competitions, among others – as a major marketing strategy by TV stations.

Author Biographies

Talita Souza Magnolo, Universidade Federal de Juiz de fora

Doutoranda em Comunicação pela UFJF. Membro de Grupo de Pesquisa (CNPQ) Comunicação, Cidade e Memória. Mestre em Comunicação pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, na linha "Cultura, Narrativas e Produção de Sentido"

Rosali Maria Nunes Henriques, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Rosali Henriques é historiadora e doutora em Memória Social pela Unirio. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa (CNPQ) Comunicação, Cidade e Memória. Atualmente é Pós-doutoranda em História na Universidade de Coimbra. Bolsista da Capes Processo nº 88881.170144/2018-01



How to Cite

Magnolo, T. S., & Henriques, R. M. N. (2021). Narratives and memory about the Intervalo magazine: Oral History methodology at the service of research on the history of the press. História Oral, 24(1), 259–277.