Memory of the future in the steampunk theatricality: between retrofuturistic heterotopic voices and visualities


  • Monica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing



Memory of the future, Steampunk, Theatricality, Heterotopy, Retrofuturism


This paper is a partial result of a CNPq-supported study focused on the memory of the future in the steampunk theatricality. Based on researchers of Social and Human Sciences who aim at the theoretical field of memory and communication, including the studies of oral and visual culture, the objective of this paper is analyze how the memory of the future is formed. A combination of several methodologies, methods and techniques is applied: the flânerie practiced in steampunk events for elaborating interviews, photographic and videographic images, as well as bibliographical and desk researches. We hope to demonstrate that in this theatricality, the memory of the future is formed by visual, vocal and verbal intertwinement perceived in the resulted materialities: oral narratives, the creation of garments and objects, the retrotypes, delivering retrofuturistic heterotopic visualities.

Key words: Memory of the future. Steampunk. Theatricality. Heterotopy. Retrofuturism

Author Biography

Monica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing

Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).


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Fontes orais

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SOUZA, Raul Cândido [idade não revelada]. [ago. 2016]. Entrevistadores: Gilson Pedroza e Lucas Teixeira. Paranapiacaba, Santo André, SP, 7 ago. 2016.



How to Cite

Ferrari Nunes, M. R. (2024). Memory of the future in the steampunk theatricality: between retrofuturistic heterotopic voices and visualities. História Oral, 27(01), 115–135.