O protagonismo Tiriyó e o domínio das ferramentas de denúncias na década de 1980
Tiriyó, Memória, ProtagonismoAbstract
Tiriyó protagonism and the mastery of the tools of denunciation in the 1980s
The Tiriyó Mission emerged in 1964 and deeply marked the lives of its inhabitants. The project of the Brazilian government, in partnership with the Franciscan friars, took place through the formation of a population center on the border with Suriname, which brought countless changes to the Tiriyó people. The memories of contact are many and reveal the fears and uncertainties of a people in transformation. However, their mechanisms and strategies to diminish the influence of the invaders marked the interest of the present study, allowing us, through the focus on oral history and the analysis of documents produced by them, to show a context of restlessness whose search for freedom and autonomy enabled them to formulate a discourse of opposition to the established project. To this end, it is worth noting that the mastery of Portuguese and of Brazilian legal codes proved to be crucial for the maintenance of collective interests in the struggle for rights in the new society.
Keywords: Tiriyó; Memory; Protagonism.
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Fontes orais
CAVALCANTE, Fr. Paulo (Raimundo) Calixto [85 anos]. [fev. 2019]. Entrevistador: Joanan Marques. Canindé, CE, 24 fev. 2019.
TIRIYÓ, Catarina Panese [idade não revelada]. [dez. 2018]. Entrevistador: Joanan Marques. Aldeia Missão-Território Tiriyó, Óbidos, PA, 29 dez. 2018.
TIRIYÓ, Tomé Pere [52 anos]. [jan. 2019]. Entrevistador: Joanan Marques. Aldeia Moneni-Território Tiriyó, Óbidos, PA, 23 jan. 2019.
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