Brazilian Women's Handball Team: from the first call-up to winning the Olympic spot (1983-2000)


  • Suélen de Souza Andres UNILESTE
  • Silvana Vilodre Goellner Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Handball, Women, Olympic Games, Brazilian Team


Based on the theoretical-methodological contribution of Oral History, this article analyzes the initial trajectory of the Brazilian Women's Handball Team from its first formation until the first Olympic spot (1983 - 2000). To this end, six interviews were conducted, five with ex-athletes from the national team and one with a former coach, which were compared with documentary sources. From the analysis, it was possible to show that the beginning of the Selection was motivated by the emergence of continental qualifying competitions for the Olympic Games and World Championship. With regard to its development, we realized that the movement to get closer to European handball, through exchanges, were significant to achieve the hegemony of the sport in the American continent and to enter the Olympic Games.


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How to Cite

de Souza Andres, S., & Vilodre Goellner, S. (2021). Brazilian Women’s Handball Team: from the first call-up to winning the Olympic spot (1983-2000). História Oral, 24(2), 53–68.