The guardian of the night bird: memories of struggle and solidarity in Mocambo do Arari, Parintins (AM)




Birds, Memory, Seniors, Solidarity, Oral History


The article discusses the experiences in the organization and defense of the "Jaçanã” bird cord
party, in Mocambo do Arari, Parintins (AM), taking as a fragment of the analysis, the memories of an elderly man, the guardian of the bird, since 1956. In 2004, after an interruption period, with the organization of the Folkloric Festival, the birds “Jaçanã” and “Pavão Misterioso” returned to play, however, they have been made secondary by “bois-bumbás”, threatening the continuity of the culture identified as “the games of the elders”. To democratize the narratives, the research was carried out with a theoretical-methodological focus on Oral History, by revaluing the experiences of subjects who were made invisible by official memories. The results show the articulations of a poor man, with little education, who received the solidarity of his co-workers, neighbors and friends who, even in the midst of the difficulties imposed by aging and the hardships of a life dedicated to countryside work, added to the lack of financial resources and also to the possible disillusionment of other resident, has historically been organized in resistance strategies to maintain the bird party, namely, claiming the right to memory and citizenship.

Author Biography

Josivaldo Bentes Lima Júnior, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Mestre em História social pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Professor da Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Qualidade de Ensino do Amazonas.



How to Cite

Lima Júnior, J. B. (2021). The guardian of the night bird: memories of struggle and solidarity in Mocambo do Arari, Parintins (AM). História Oral, 24(1), 65–85.