The importance of carnival activities in the life of the elderly


  • Matilde Maria de Magalhães Arena Corrêa Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • OlgaRodrigues de Moraes von Simson Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Aging, Oral History, Samba School, Elderly


This article refers to the elderly participating in samba schools in the interior of São Paulo: one from Campinas, Rosa de Prata, and the other from Duartina, Unidos da Vila. For the research, interviews were conducted that aimed to demonstrate through excerpts from the narratives of collaborators involved in carnival activities and how much this may have contributed to successful aging, a theory in the field of Gerontology, which considers several aspects such as: the subjectivity of elderly people, their selfperception, cultural characteristics and, above all, that well-being in old age is not only an individual responsibility, but a collective one. The research used Oral History in the field of arts, with interviews that were recorded and transcribed, and also the resource of photographic images.

Author Biographies

Matilde Maria de Magalhães Arena Corrêa, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Formada em Psicologia. Professora efetiva na Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas. Mestre em Educação pelo Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo. Cursando doutorado em Gerontologia na Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Sou pós graduada em Acupuntura pela Metrocamp.

OlgaRodrigues de Moraes von Simson, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Doutora em Ciência Social (Antropologia Social) pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 1990, e pós-doutora pela Universidade de Tübigen - Geographisches Institut, 1993.



How to Cite

de Magalhães Arena Corrêa, M. M., & Simson, O. de M. von. (2021). The importance of carnival activities in the life of the elderly. História Oral, 24(1), 87–106.