Reflections on old age: possible identities in the aging process in contemporary times




Elderly person, Memory, Oral History, Narrative, Identity


This article aims to think about the aging processes and the identities of the elderly in contemporary times. Through Oral History we understand the need for a listening in which the speech acts revealed in the voice of our narrator make that imagery and  representations on which the understanding and definition of old age are based are not seen as the reification of an assumption about the elderly.
As aging is a process that is based on an uncertain definition, the identities linked to the aging process
combine a claiming discourse that transforms the contemporary aging process into a multiple experience. Analyzing the polyphony of meanings of aging requires transit between categories such as birth group, generation, social class, old age, among others, to think about issues related to the identification of the elderly as a social being, with unique experiences.

Author Biography

Eloísa Pereira Barroso, Universidade de Brasí­lia

Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade de Brasí­lia (1997), mestrado em Sociologia pela Universidade de Brasí­lia (2004), doutorado em Sociologia pela Universidade de Brasí­lia (2008) e doutorado sanduí­che em Sociologia pela Frei Universität Berlin- Alemanha (2007). Professora associada da Universidade de Brasí­lia do Departamento de História e cadastrada ao programa de Mestrado Profissional em Turismo do CET/ UnB e ao Programa de Pós Graduação em História da UnB. Tem experiência na área de História, com ênfase em História, Literatura, Oralidade, Memória e Patrimônio, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: história, cultura, turismo, literatura e cidade



How to Cite

Barroso, E. P. (2021). Reflections on old age: possible identities in the aging process in contemporary times. História Oral, 24(1), 9–27.