Grêmio Esportivo Rui Barbosa: a community space of residents of Porto district (Pelotas-RS, 1986-2004)
Football, District, PelotasAbstract
This paper is the result of a research that sought to unveil memories of experiences of individuals
who attended Grêmio Esportivo Rui Barbosa, an amateur football club located at the Porto district in
Pelotas (RS). Historically, Porto district was known as an industrial area of the city, where a number
of amateur football sports associations composed by blue-collar workers existed. The goal of this paper is to analyze the period in which the club was solely a communal space for sociability, focusing on the
meaning of the everyday experiences that the Porto inhabitants had in this space. With a documental
scope consisting of six interviews with clubgoers, photographs, and a book of minutes, this paper seeks to
situate the club as a “site of memory”, where festivities and friendship networks are regarded as memories
that constitute different pieces of many stories: of the district, of the life of its inhabitants, and of the Grêmio Esportivo Rui Barbosa.
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